Older and a really powerful sith, Galen, codenamed "starkiller" is sent on missions by DV and kills some rogue Jedi's himself...(and is ordered to kill stormtroopers as well so there are no witnesses to his existence) but then the Emperor finds out about him and Darth Vader stabs him in the back through his stomach in front of the emperor...but then he heals Starkiller and sends him on a new mission to organize a resistance to the emperor in order to "distract" him so that Starkiller can eventually assassinate the emperor and "Rule the galaxy" with DV...well now he is torn since he was almost killed by DV and his pilot for his missions (and new crush) Juno Eclipse, was branded a trader and left to die by DV (he saves her though)...but he continues with the mission and pretends to be a good guy, destroys some Empire stuff, saves a younger Leia Organa from capture... and then...when the rebels are gathered...and he finally decides he really wants to be part of the Rebel alliance it turned out that the emperor and DV were just using him all along and that he was just a tool to gather all the resistance leaders in one place and to kill them...Once again he is almost killed by DV...thrown off a cliff but Juno finds him and together they go to the in-construction death star in order to save the rebel leaders...Well he beats DV but doesn't kill him and then saves the rebel leaders by sacrificing himself...Juno flies them away while he becomes "one with the force" and therfore "more powerful than ever before." And also like force blasts the emperor and DV and everyone else around (before he died of course) in order to provide a good distraction/cover for them to fly away.
....FUNSIES...I was bummed he died but of course he had to die to make way for Luke...the rebels looked up his history and used his family crest as the rebel symbol in memory of him. And he was able to remember his name and a bit of his life before he died.
Also, I like this quote from when he was battling one of the Jedi named Shaak Ti. Starkiller is fighting her and he says that the dark side is inexhaustible and this is her response...
"Your strength is prodigious...but that is your own doing. Light, dark - they are just directions. Do not be fooled that you stand on anything other than your own two feet."
Anyway...completely different note - I found this picture...it was on a bumpersticker on facebook...and I thought it was just so fucking hilarious...the caption is..."McDonald's Hits Africa." It really kinda looks like a fat giraffe!

What else what else. I'm nervous to go back to school...even though I'm really excited to go back...I've gotten so dumb! I need to bust out the chemistry book...and I am unfortunately still hopelessly smitten with the same being...despite my resolve not to be...I am obviously functioning though...but back to school will be good for me! So excited to live with friends in the apartment...its going to be BITCHIN'.
On another extremely dorky note...I started reading the Naruto manga online again...I'm such a sucker for the whole good vs evil archetype hero stories...Star Wars, Eragon, Naruto...they're all so rediculously similar and thats why I like them...Eragon and Star Wars similarities are kinda hilarious actually... Jedi Order = Dragon Riders, And Eragon is trained by Brom who was friends with one of the first to betray the Dragon Riders and who is also Eragon's father (this guy wasn't the main bad guy though and is dead)...which of course is like Obi Wan (friend/mentor to Darth Vader) who was Luke's Pa....and then Eragon's uncle is killed just like Luke's aunt and uncle....etc. etc. etc. I stop now. Daily show is almost on...last nights was hilarious...
OMG...so I'm re-editing...seriously...anyone who can NEEDS to watch these episodes of Daily Show and Colbert : they are so funny.... *footage of slack jawed Bill Clinton...at least 30 seconds* "an uncomfortable amount of mouth breathing time." - Jon Stewart
Here lemme see if this works. This is from last night...not what I just quoted...Funsies! how cool is that, that I can embed that video onto my blog! I could maybe copy the html layout and embed other videos that don't already have the code for me...cool!