I am watching another episode of house. I like house, there's a marathon, it's ridiculous.
I am fixing my mom's computer. I think I can do it, we've had such bad tech luck.
I am sort of playing dinosaur king on my nintendo ds. It's alright.
I am updating my new I pod touch, It's cool but I really didn't need it. It was my christmas present from my dad and kate.
I am also on my own computer. Clearly.
Right now, especially, I feel like my thoughts and who I am contains only as much substance as the combination of the five.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
so I skipped five scrabble turns of mine until I had a place to play "dinosaur" on the board...it was an aspiration of mine for a while...I lost. but it was worth it. I wanted to loose anyway.
today I was/still am very depressed and bitter. I slept most of the day. Kelsey and Rachel watched movies...but I was very much over the heterosexual love story-ness of their movie choices. That basically sums up my bitterness.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I got into my Chem class...
I got into my organic chemistry class finally. There is something to be excited about I guess. I think I'll try to focus all my energy on academia in order to distract my mind from other things. I'll just admit it even though its gay to say (pun sort of intended) I just want someone to love me (not in a friend way) but that's just not in my near future. So Organic Chemistry, Latin, Biology and Intro to Political Science...here I come...I really need to raise my GPA. And be less of an overall 'tardcake. I like my new medication...its working and doesn't make me tired...now I know that its just me being lazy when I don't do things...I no longer just feel like I can't do anything.
This blog is pointless as is facebook. Kate you bes the only one who checks it...and I really only update when I'm depressed...so that's no fun.
This blog is pointless as is facebook. Kate you bes the only one who checks it...and I really only update when I'm depressed...so that's no fun.
Friday, September 5, 2008
It doesn't matter if he actually is looking at Palin's ass or her speech...but this video clip is hilarious and it just looks BAD.
John McCain's wondering eyes
John McCain's wondering eyes
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Darth Vader's Secret Apprentice Started The Rebel Alliance!
So I finished reading The Force Unleashed...I liked it of course...because I'm a huge dork. So I'll give you a quick break down...Darth Vader's secret apprentice was born Galen Marek where he lived with his father (Kento Marek) on the Wookie homeworld of Kashyyyk...then Darth Vader came there to kill Galen's dad since he was a Jedi in hiding - and the order 66 is still in effect to kill all jedi, yeah so right before Vader was gonna strike down Galen's dad his lightsaber is force taken from his hand and Darth Vader turns to see a little boy (4-5ish) and thats Galen...Darth Vader takes the lightsaber back and kills Kento Marek then kills the storm troopers who come in and see Galen...And takes him to his star destroyer to train him in the harsh ways of the sith.
Older and a really powerful sith, Galen, codenamed "starkiller" is sent on missions by DV and kills some rogue Jedi's himself...(and is ordered to kill stormtroopers as well so there are no witnesses to his existence) but then the Emperor finds out about him and Darth Vader stabs him in the back through his stomach in front of the emperor...but then he heals Starkiller and sends him on a new mission to organize a resistance to the emperor in order to "distract" him so that Starkiller can eventually assassinate the emperor and "Rule the galaxy" with DV...well now he is torn since he was almost killed by DV and his pilot for his missions (and new crush) Juno Eclipse, was branded a trader and left to die by DV (he saves her though)...but he continues with the mission and pretends to be a good guy, destroys some Empire stuff, saves a younger Leia Organa from capture... and then...when the rebels are gathered...and he finally decides he really wants to be part of the Rebel alliance it turned out that the emperor and DV were just using him all along and that he was just a tool to gather all the resistance leaders in one place and to kill them...Once again he is almost killed by DV...thrown off a cliff but Juno finds him and together they go to the in-construction death star in order to save the rebel leaders...Well he beats DV but doesn't kill him and then saves the rebel leaders by sacrificing himself...Juno flies them away while he becomes "one with the force" and therfore "more powerful than ever before." And also like force blasts the emperor and DV and everyone else around (before he died of course) in order to provide a good distraction/cover for them to fly away.
....FUNSIES...I was bummed he died but of course he had to die to make way for Luke...the rebels looked up his history and used his family crest as the rebel symbol in memory of him. And he was able to remember his name and a bit of his life before he died.
Also, I like this quote from when he was battling one of the Jedi named Shaak Ti. Starkiller is fighting her and he says that the dark side is inexhaustible and this is her response...
"Your strength is prodigious...but that is your own doing. Light, dark - they are just directions. Do not be fooled that you stand on anything other than your own two feet."
Anyway...completely different note - I found this picture...it was on a bumpersticker on facebook...and I thought it was just so fucking hilarious...the caption is..."McDonald's Hits Africa." It really kinda looks like a fat giraffe!

What else what else. I'm nervous to go back to school...even though I'm really excited to go back...I've gotten so dumb! I need to bust out the chemistry book...and I am unfortunately still hopelessly smitten with the same being...despite my resolve not to be...I am obviously functioning though...but back to school will be good for me! So excited to live with friends in the apartment...its going to be BITCHIN'.
On another extremely dorky note...I started reading the Naruto manga online again...I'm such a sucker for the whole good vs evil archetype hero stories...Star Wars, Eragon, Naruto...they're all so rediculously similar and thats why I like them...Eragon and Star Wars similarities are kinda hilarious actually... Jedi Order = Dragon Riders, And Eragon is trained by Brom who was friends with one of the first to betray the Dragon Riders and who is also Eragon's father (this guy wasn't the main bad guy though and is dead)...which of course is like Obi Wan (friend/mentor to Darth Vader) who was Luke's Pa....and then Eragon's uncle is killed just like Luke's aunt and uncle....etc. etc. etc. I stop now. Daily show is almost on...last nights was hilarious...
OMG...so I'm re-editing...seriously...anyone who can NEEDS to watch these episodes of Daily Show and Colbert : they are so funny.... *footage of slack jawed Bill Clinton...at least 30 seconds* "an uncomfortable amount of mouth breathing time." - Jon Stewart
Here lemme see if this works. This is from last night...not what I just quoted...Funsies! how cool is that, that I can embed that video onto my blog! I could maybe copy the html layout and embed other videos that don't already have the code for me...cool!
Older and a really powerful sith, Galen, codenamed "starkiller" is sent on missions by DV and kills some rogue Jedi's himself...(and is ordered to kill stormtroopers as well so there are no witnesses to his existence) but then the Emperor finds out about him and Darth Vader stabs him in the back through his stomach in front of the emperor...but then he heals Starkiller and sends him on a new mission to organize a resistance to the emperor in order to "distract" him so that Starkiller can eventually assassinate the emperor and "Rule the galaxy" with DV...well now he is torn since he was almost killed by DV and his pilot for his missions (and new crush) Juno Eclipse, was branded a trader and left to die by DV (he saves her though)...but he continues with the mission and pretends to be a good guy, destroys some Empire stuff, saves a younger Leia Organa from capture... and then...when the rebels are gathered...and he finally decides he really wants to be part of the Rebel alliance it turned out that the emperor and DV were just using him all along and that he was just a tool to gather all the resistance leaders in one place and to kill them...Once again he is almost killed by DV...thrown off a cliff but Juno finds him and together they go to the in-construction death star in order to save the rebel leaders...Well he beats DV but doesn't kill him and then saves the rebel leaders by sacrificing himself...Juno flies them away while he becomes "one with the force" and therfore "more powerful than ever before." And also like force blasts the emperor and DV and everyone else around (before he died of course) in order to provide a good distraction/cover for them to fly away.
....FUNSIES...I was bummed he died but of course he had to die to make way for Luke...the rebels looked up his history and used his family crest as the rebel symbol in memory of him. And he was able to remember his name and a bit of his life before he died.
Also, I like this quote from when he was battling one of the Jedi named Shaak Ti. Starkiller is fighting her and he says that the dark side is inexhaustible and this is her response...
"Your strength is prodigious...but that is your own doing. Light, dark - they are just directions. Do not be fooled that you stand on anything other than your own two feet."
Anyway...completely different note - I found this picture...it was on a bumpersticker on facebook...and I thought it was just so fucking hilarious...the caption is..."McDonald's Hits Africa." It really kinda looks like a fat giraffe!

What else what else. I'm nervous to go back to school...even though I'm really excited to go back...I've gotten so dumb! I need to bust out the chemistry book...and I am unfortunately still hopelessly smitten with the same being...despite my resolve not to be...I am obviously functioning though...but back to school will be good for me! So excited to live with friends in the apartment...its going to be BITCHIN'.
On another extremely dorky note...I started reading the Naruto manga online again...I'm such a sucker for the whole good vs evil archetype hero stories...Star Wars, Eragon, Naruto...they're all so rediculously similar and thats why I like them...Eragon and Star Wars similarities are kinda hilarious actually... Jedi Order = Dragon Riders, And Eragon is trained by Brom who was friends with one of the first to betray the Dragon Riders and who is also Eragon's father (this guy wasn't the main bad guy though and is dead)...which of course is like Obi Wan (friend/mentor to Darth Vader) who was Luke's Pa....and then Eragon's uncle is killed just like Luke's aunt and uncle....etc. etc. etc. I stop now. Daily show is almost on...last nights was hilarious...
OMG...so I'm re-editing...seriously...anyone who can NEEDS to watch these episodes of Daily Show and Colbert : they are so funny.... *footage of slack jawed Bill Clinton...at least 30 seconds* "an uncomfortable amount of mouth breathing time." - Jon Stewart
Here lemme see if this works. This is from last night...not what I just quoted...Funsies! how cool is that, that I can embed that video onto my blog! I could maybe copy the html layout and embed other videos that don't already have the code for me...cool!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I am so excited for it. TFU
I don't really know why...but the whole star wars darth vader's secret apprentice story just sounds so cool to me. the game looks fun...(better for xbox 360 than the wi but all I got is a wi so its fine)
I ordered the book...if I like it I might get the graphic novel too...I am such a loser.
Doing the Farmer's market on Saturday.
Made a New Business Card. Got me website on it www.watershotsphotography.com Check it.
I'm just going to say it. I can't get someone out of my mind. I wish that was more cryptic than it actually is.
Wine drunk. its different that's for sure.
I don't really know why...but the whole star wars darth vader's secret apprentice story just sounds so cool to me. the game looks fun...(better for xbox 360 than the wi but all I got is a wi so its fine)
I ordered the book...if I like it I might get the graphic novel too...I am such a loser.
Doing the Farmer's market on Saturday.
Made a New Business Card. Got me website on it www.watershotsphotography.com Check it.
I'm just going to say it. I can't get someone out of my mind. I wish that was more cryptic than it actually is.
Wine drunk. its different that's for sure.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Hayley's New [Hopeful] Daily Regiment
I thought of a list of 6 things I should do everyday but since I'll know I'll never do all of them each day I decided I should at least do 5 of the 6 and to not skip one thing two days in a row.
- One "Hard" Exercise (jogging, etc..)
- One "Easy" Exercise (walk w/ mom, situps and pushups, etc....)
- One Helpful House Chore
- One Hour (at least) Organizing my life (cleaning, sorting out what to take back to school, etc...)
- One Hour (at least) Reading Something
- One Hour (at least) Doing stuff for my "Business" (making cards, taking pictures, etc...)
So far today I went jogging (and it kicked my ass) and did the dishes...3 more. Perhaps I'll shave soon...my leg hair is like over an inch long now....
- One "Hard" Exercise (jogging, etc..)
- One "Easy" Exercise (walk w/ mom, situps and pushups, etc....)
- One Helpful House Chore
- One Hour (at least) Organizing my life (cleaning, sorting out what to take back to school, etc...)
- One Hour (at least) Reading Something
- One Hour (at least) Doing stuff for my "Business" (making cards, taking pictures, etc...)
So far today I went jogging (and it kicked my ass) and did the dishes...3 more. Perhaps I'll shave soon...my leg hair is like over an inch long now....
Friday, August 15, 2008
Demetri Martin Flip Chart
Anderson Cooper and Living Lohan
Hayley is a lazy bastard. Pretty depressed. Misses her friends. Is sick of being in Coupeville. And Sick of her own despondency.
thats all for now.
Anderson Cooper and Living Lohan
Hayley is a lazy bastard. Pretty depressed. Misses her friends. Is sick of being in Coupeville. And Sick of her own despondency.
thats all for now.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Pictures I forgot

so I've forgotten quite a few pictures I've taken...like this one...it looks like the water is a monster about to eat kate!
so anyway I'm working on having my domain name link right to the smugmug site...but for now I'd like to show you the cool way you can see/buy my pictures...its a really cool site...I have to pay $150 a year but basically i set my own prices and make money when people make purchases...and I can advertise by maybe having my stuff in the museum, some shops downtown and doing the saturday market...I am really excited about it.
anyway here. pictures (there is another gallery too...I just linked to the first one.)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Arts and Crafts Festival

So I think that if I actually paid for all of my supplies (instead of paying for part and my mom and grandma paid a lot) that I would come close to breaking even...With those large prints I'm not sure that I would have...But you see I still have a lot of stock...so that's cool. Well. I just need to find a way to get rid of that stock. Thinking maybe Farmer's Market...and well I have family too who wanna buy stuff. But I want to keep selling and making stuff...The festival kind of boosted my confidence...but I need to get pictures from other places than just Coupeville. Anyway here's a p
I'm discovering that if I really want to do this I need to make my cost of supplies cheaper...I found a website that sells photo mattes for 2 bucks instead of what I've been paying 3-5 and if I get my prints at Costco or Smugmug the 4x6 prints cost the same but 8x10's are 2 bucks instead of 5 ... and 11x14's for 6 bucks instead of 15... 20x30's 10 bucks instead of 30...etc. ...yea...shoulda been a little bit smarter 'bout that.
Thats all I feel like putting up. I bes watchin' scrubs.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Sharkwater...its a pretty good documentary...its about how sharks are becoming endangered from illegal shark fin fishing...and how absolutely AWFUL and wasteful and corrupted the shark finning industry is.
The people in it are pretty bad ass...the main camera guy (who is pretty attractive) joins up with a renegade conservation boat....that sinks or rams illegal fishing boats...and they got in trouble with costa rica for shooting water guns at an illegal shark finning boat...and because the government is payed off by the shark fin mafia (yea that sounds ridiculous). it didn't matter that the other boat was illegal...but instead of going to court they filmed the private docks of the mafia and then booked it for international waters...
great i was already depressed tonight and this is just awful...they just cut the fins off and throw the shark body back alive still...and they just writhe and slowly die....
"The world's shark population is estimated to have declined by 90%"
people are just stupid. environmentalism isn't just to protect the environment its to protect us too...if you already are a self absorbed bastard at least look at it that way...I already knew this fact but they mentioned that without sharks to control fish populations that feed on plankton...plankton will decline which produces 70% of our oxygen.
Oh well...at least if we fuck up the planet we'll destroy ourselves...life will always exist on earth...it'll be just different...and if we wipe out everything as we know it at least it will be better for future and surviving life forms.
The people in it are pretty bad ass...the main camera guy (who is pretty attractive) joins up with a renegade conservation boat....that sinks or rams illegal fishing boats...and they got in trouble with costa rica for shooting water guns at an illegal shark finning boat...and because the government is payed off by the shark fin mafia (yea that sounds ridiculous). it didn't matter that the other boat was illegal...but instead of going to court they filmed the private docks of the mafia and then booked it for international waters...
great i was already depressed tonight and this is just awful...they just cut the fins off and throw the shark body back alive still...and they just writhe and slowly die....
"The world's shark population is estimated to have declined by 90%"
people are just stupid. environmentalism isn't just to protect the environment its to protect us too...if you already are a self absorbed bastard at least look at it that way...I already knew this fact but they mentioned that without sharks to control fish populations that feed on plankton...plankton will decline which produces 70% of our oxygen.
Oh well...at least if we fuck up the planet we'll destroy ourselves...life will always exist on earth...it'll be just different...and if we wipe out everything as we know it at least it will be better for future and surviving life forms.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
some videos for yous
this is just 30 seconds of what was on Jurassic Fight Club...its like a recap on the episode...so you still get to see the baby Manjungatholus beaten against the tree by a large male...it was so needlessly and hilariously violent...and I wish I could find clips from the whole episode...basically the episode sucked because in the first 5 minutes you basically understood the "science" and then the next half an hour was basically just defending their "speculations" ...so basically they just made a bunch of crap up...and here's the recap.
it was a lot better the whole 5 minute clip on the show...because it seemed almost like dinosaur erotica the way the narrator described the scene..
okay and here's the second video its almost 7 minutes long but WATCH IT ALL...it is worth it...these are the sharks eating the whale carcass I talked about earlier.
GREAT WHITE SHARKS EATING WHALE CARCASS ....and the aforementioned great white shark penis
anyway I wanted to post this picture...its the same picture that was in my eyewitness book about sharks...my favorite eyewitness books as a kid were sharks, cats, dinosaurs and one about evolution of man and as you can tell they still influence me to this day...
so here for you is a fucking huge great white to contemplate...
okay that's all...I hope you enjoy
Monday, July 28, 2008
update from Cali...
here are some pictures...I don't like updating this thing without pictures...I feel like they really are the more entertaining elements of my bloggy blog. The first picture is my brother marc...he caught a sharky shark in the canal behind my aunt and uncle's house. And that's my dad in the background being a creepster.

chompity chomp chomp chomp.
The other two pictures are the sunset with the canal that my aunt and uncle live on.
South park was funny last night I copied down two quotes...the setting is atheist otters in the future trying to kill cartman the time child who froze himself in a glacier because he didn't want to wait 3 weeks for the nintendo wi to come out. In this future religion has been outlawed/destroyed so now atheist leagues fight over what's the correct type of atheism and the most logical way to live.
"Know this time child, I shall crack your skull just like I crack a clam on my tummy!"
"They chop down trees to make tables when they have perfectly good tummies to eat off of!"
I'm really getting excited for the arts and crafts festival. I hope people like my stuff...and if my friends come up and see me I'm gonna be super excited... especially meredith, rachel and peter...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I picked up the saying PWND from kate-ums...and I just can't stop thinking it in my head right now. I'm Compelled...
I splurged today...and shouldn't have...I purchased all three seasons of Arrested Development for 45 dolla's ....thats more than half off! and I knew that they would probably not be on sale anymore on amazon by the time I finally decided whether to get them or not...I feel its worth it...
oh man! I think I might (depending on stress levels) try to get a job at kitz cameras...it'd be a good job for me...I'd probably get an employee discount on my prints...and I'd actually be able to talk to people about taking pictures and stuff 'cus I'll know a little bit...and my OCD will make me good at checking if people's pictures printed correctly.
I want to post a link to ----- blog...just for funsies to remind people that they can go there if they want a good laugh.
There it is for all to enjoy. Oh I think I'll make a facebook group! That'd be fun... "The Secret Cult Following of Hayley's --------- blog at Western" it doesn't matter who you are its hilarious.
I'm excited for Jurassic Fight Club tomorrow...I will most definitely watch it And I'm even more excited to come home whenever I will wednesday night.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Damnit I'm back on my blog again...and I just don't want to start another. I want to talk to somebodys...I so wronery...its just me and the crickets in my aunt's house who are awake...no joke the crickets are pretty intense...you can kinda find where the are...like I didn't see it but I knew there was one in the bathroom when I went because when I turned the light on the noise suddenly stopped. St. John's Wort...I can't really tell if thats doing anything....
OMG they're showing a bunch of great whites just chomping down on this whale...its a huge whale and there are like 10 great whites...CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP they just don't stop...omg I wish kate could see this...fatty fatty sharks. OMG SHARK PENIS...SHARK PENIS ON CAMERA FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER....GREAT WHITE SHARK PENIS....its because they're all aroused by so many members of the opposite sex...they just ate and are bloated and now sexually aroused...oh my god I fucking love shark week....Kate I think this is very similar to what happens to you after you eat bacon (the sexual arousal)...the sharks are just kinda lazily running into and nuging each other...oh god now a scientist is sitting on top of the whale carcass to get a close up of the sharks eating...oh dear...this is very intense...again I think i need a picture to separate my never ending commentary on basically every fucking thing...
chompity chomp chomp chomp.
okay that was exciting...I should go to bed now I guess even though I'm not really tired...I'm thinking about the malcolm quote from jurassic park (a previous post) and how these last two hours I spend on this blog reflect my day and how my days reflect my typical week and that week the typical month and the months the years and just how ridiculous I am. the ADD is definitely prominent in this post as is the OCD from the numerous times I've come back to this same post and edited/added to it...and the emotional instability in my rants...etc...and this crap isn't even in my dia-journal...oh well...watcha gonna do when you're just a human.
[two days later I took out most the whiney stupid stuff...I'd rather my blog be more entertaining and less ranty]
Today kate found one of my little notes again...that I hid around her room when I went to visit her and she wasn't back yet...this one I had wrote said "Rainbows, I heart them" that made me chuckle...I would write something pretty gay like that.
And fractals and rainbows just really remind me all about how I really want to get really high again sometime...I YEARN to...damnit...it really is nice, as kate said, to have your brain feel different...and now kate can't say I never updates me blog...most ridiculous update ever.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Well hayley is bummed about certain things that were inevitably not gonna work out...but really can't wait to go back to school and live with her friends. Probably gonna go back on the medication...just too emotionally unstable off of them...we'll see though.
In other news I'm gonna have a booth at the "renowned" Coupeville Arts and Crafts Festival...I'll make an event on facebook in order to guilt/encourage my friends to come and visit and 'support' me...Right now I have 142 cards completed and 9 eight by ten matted prints...I'll probably do 30 eight by ten mattes and 300-400 cards...so I'm like a third done...and the arts and crafts festival is on the 8th and 9th of august. Anyway here is my work station...the whole couch late into the night when everyone is asleep and can't harm my "work"
Ironic you think with the whole selling my photography I'd be able to take less fuzzy pictures of my cards with pictures on them...I didn't want to use the flash though 'cus I think it ruines the mood...anyway I'm kinda watching Project Runway... finally...its really funny when they think their outfits are great and talk shit during the interview but they really suck...
Hamlet 2 really looks hilarious...I'm gonna go see that for sure. Oh I also want to put this picture up...I took it when I hiked ("hiked" = really nature walked) with kate at deception pass... I call it eagle, RV and bridge...I strive to have a whole series...of bridges accompied by eagles and RV's I feel like it represents things so well...the bridge is man's dominance over the world the RV is man trying to reconnect with nature and the eagle is there a whole hike away elluding his lame efforts...or some shit like that....its 3 I'm tired and being silly...here's the pic.

the eagle is far to the left and just a tiny black dot really and trust me there are at least 3 RV's on the bridge...you might be able to see a bit better when you make the picture bigger...but its not really about being able to see whats in it clearily...just know they were there because I saw them.
Time for bed...I was really ready to sleep 2.5 hours ago.
Next project runway preview...quote from Tim Gun "its a terradactyl at a gay jurassic park." AaHAHahaHA....I can't wait.
I'll be going to Newport Beach on Friday to visit the yuppie family in yuppie centralia...yeah okay I won't keep going and rant about my dad and how I'd rather not go...but hey I'll have a job to do for my aunt so thats good! moneys.
on that note...beddy bed time for real real and not for play play now.
In other news I'm gonna have a booth at the "renowned" Coupeville Arts and Crafts Festival...I'll make an event on facebook in order to guilt/encourage my friends to come and visit and 'support' me...Right now I have 142 cards completed and 9 eight by ten matted prints...I'll probably do 30 eight by ten mattes and 300-400 cards...so I'm like a third done...and the arts and crafts festival is on the 8th and 9th of august. Anyway here is my work station...the whole couch late into the night when everyone is asleep and can't harm my "work"
Hamlet 2 really looks hilarious...I'm gonna go see that for sure. Oh I also want to put this picture up...I took it when I hiked ("hiked" = really nature walked) with kate at deception pass... I call it eagle, RV and bridge...I strive to have a whole series...of bridges accompied by eagles and RV's I feel like it represents things so well...the bridge is man's dominance over the world the RV is man trying to reconnect with nature and the eagle is there a whole hike away elluding his lame efforts...or some shit like that....its 3 I'm tired and being silly...here's the pic.
the eagle is far to the left and just a tiny black dot really and trust me there are at least 3 RV's on the bridge...you might be able to see a bit better when you make the picture bigger...but its not really about being able to see whats in it clearily...just know they were there because I saw them.
Time for bed...I was really ready to sleep 2.5 hours ago.
Next project runway preview...quote from Tim Gun "its a terradactyl at a gay jurassic park." AaHAHahaHA....I can't wait.
I'll be going to Newport Beach on Friday to visit the yuppie family in yuppie centralia...yeah okay I won't keep going and rant about my dad and how I'd rather not go...but hey I'll have a job to do for my aunt so thats good! moneys.
on that note...beddy bed time for real real and not for play play now.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
This show is funny...Kelsey showed it to me...its styled much like The Office but its in a Dorm...and the episodes are only 5 minutes so its great for those with a short attention span...
Dorm Life
The lower left part of my back slightly hurts/tickles? I can't really figure out what it feels like but its extremely uncomfortable.
Dorm Life
The lower left part of my back slightly hurts/tickles? I can't really figure out what it feels like but its extremely uncomfortable.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Lightening Storm
Okay...so I was in such a good mood until I came home and saw that my sisters cat had like diarrhea-ed on a plastic storage of mine and on the carpet...and fucking fucking a - I hate being in the room with the shitty cat box and where stuff like that happens...and yesterday there was shit smudge on my blanket (because the cat box is right next to my bed and then she'll hop in my bed) I hate not having my own space...fucker fucker fucker...so fucking disgusting...I hate it...I can handle my own mess...but...fuck my family stresses me out a thousand times more when i have NO WHERE to retreat...
so fuck that shit...but there's nothing I can do about it. I am so fucking irritable right now...and have been the last few days...maybe its pms...or the withdrawal or just everything... I don't even fucking know...
okay so why I was in a good mood before....
I went to a barbecue at my step mom's parents house...and they are very friendly and my step mom's uncle was there too...and people liked my cards that I'm finally working on (taking my pictures and hand making post cards) and I wanted to show my grandma to prove I haven't completely been being a lazy bum and shit how am I gonna make three thousand dollars before summer is over...so that was cool...the salmon was soooooo fucking good....
Then the lightening and thunder storm started...and I wanted to leave anyway so I used wanting to take pictures as an excuse...so I left and then I took Madrona home...and there was lightening bolts like right above and next to me like every few seconds...it was so fucking intense I was right in the storm...and I knew that the chances of my car getting hit and then the chances of me getting electrocuted when my car got hit (I think cars are good at absorbing that...I think) was minimal (because all the trees and telephone poles would most definately get hit first) I got an insane exhilarated feeling from the lightening...and I drove madrona at 60mph...which is quite literally the stupidest thing I have ever done...I just couldn't help myself though...thats a lie I probably could have...its not like anything dramatic like I had a death wish or anything...I just did it. And am glad I didn't crash my car into a tree or anything...60 really isnt that fast though...the road is windey but I know it pretty well...whatever enough about that.
Then I wanted to find kate-ums. The second time I called she answered and she was down at fort ebey watching the lightenin' from there...and so I joined her...and I learned something new 'bout cameras! Okay so I had my tripod and I so I pointed my camera in the direction of the lightening set the aperture setting high (which makes the opening in the lens smaller) so that I could have an exposure time of 4 seconds...yeah so I thought I would wave my hand in front of the camera just to see what happened since the lightening was very spaced out by this time...and GUESS WHAT! my hand didn't show up at all...so then I realized that was how photographers do that little trick to take picture of a busy park and not have any of the people show up...so that was sweet and I was excited...AND THEN I tried holding my hand in front of the camera for like 2 out of the 4-5 seconds and GUESS WHAT HAPPENED...this did....GHOST HAND.

granted I was very amused...and you know you think I would have figured that this ruined my capture lightening technique of long exposure times...because FINALLY I snapped a 6 second exposure and lightening struck...and you guessed it...GHOST LIGHTENING...its invisible.

ayup. thats all for now.
so fuck that shit...but there's nothing I can do about it. I am so fucking irritable right now...and have been the last few days...maybe its pms...or the withdrawal or just everything... I don't even fucking know...
okay so why I was in a good mood before....
I went to a barbecue at my step mom's parents house...and they are very friendly and my step mom's uncle was there too...and people liked my cards that I'm finally working on (taking my pictures and hand making post cards) and I wanted to show my grandma to prove I haven't completely been being a lazy bum and shit how am I gonna make three thousand dollars before summer is over...so that was cool...the salmon was soooooo fucking good....
Then the lightening and thunder storm started...and I wanted to leave anyway so I used wanting to take pictures as an excuse...so I left and then I took Madrona home...and there was lightening bolts like right above and next to me like every few seconds...it was so fucking intense I was right in the storm...and I knew that the chances of my car getting hit and then the chances of me getting electrocuted when my car got hit (I think cars are good at absorbing that...I think) was minimal (because all the trees and telephone poles would most definately get hit first) I got an insane exhilarated feeling from the lightening...and I drove madrona at 60mph...which is quite literally the stupidest thing I have ever done...I just couldn't help myself though...thats a lie I probably could have...its not like anything dramatic like I had a death wish or anything...I just did it. And am glad I didn't crash my car into a tree or anything...60 really isnt that fast though...the road is windey but I know it pretty well...whatever enough about that.
Then I wanted to find kate-ums. The second time I called she answered and she was down at fort ebey watching the lightenin' from there...and so I joined her...and I learned something new 'bout cameras! Okay so I had my tripod and I so I pointed my camera in the direction of the lightening set the aperture setting high (which makes the opening in the lens smaller) so that I could have an exposure time of 4 seconds...yeah so I thought I would wave my hand in front of the camera just to see what happened since the lightening was very spaced out by this time...and GUESS WHAT! my hand didn't show up at all...so then I realized that was how photographers do that little trick to take picture of a busy park and not have any of the people show up...so that was sweet and I was excited...AND THEN I tried holding my hand in front of the camera for like 2 out of the 4-5 seconds and GUESS WHAT HAPPENED...this did....GHOST HAND.

granted I was very amused...and you know you think I would have figured that this ruined my capture lightening technique of long exposure times...because FINALLY I snapped a 6 second exposure and lightening struck...and you guessed it...GHOST LIGHTENING...its invisible.

ayup. thats all for now.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
omg...check it.
no way.
I missed daily show last night...(because I was enjoying myself too much talking to kate) but thats why it reruns the next day at 8pm....and let me tell you...June 24th is a hilarious episode...
Jon showed me this...Pork Invaders
"no offense McCain...but YOU'RE OLD" - Jon Stewart
and now Colbert is on...
that was adorable...he just made this joke and then laughed at himself...and it was his real laugh.
"Where does dracula keep his extra cash? - At the bloodbank" and then he just lost it.
If I were you...I'd try to check out clips from the episodes from the last few days...is been hilarious...
One more thing...I took a nap...and it was the worst nap ever (actually I think I really did sleep really well) Its just I dreamt that I was doing finals again...that I had like a two week break from school and went home and then had to go back to do finals...it was realistic and awful...I hate when you have stressful dreams and wake up stressed...not relaxing at all.
I missed daily show last night...(because I was enjoying myself too much talking to kate) but thats why it reruns the next day at 8pm....and let me tell you...June 24th is a hilarious episode...
Jon showed me this...Pork Invaders
"no offense McCain...but YOU'RE OLD" - Jon Stewart
and now Colbert is on...
that was adorable...he just made this joke and then laughed at himself...and it was his real laugh.
"Where does dracula keep his extra cash? - At the bloodbank" and then he just lost it.
If I were you...I'd try to check out clips from the episodes from the last few days...is been hilarious...
One more thing...I took a nap...and it was the worst nap ever (actually I think I really did sleep really well) Its just I dreamt that I was doing finals again...that I had like a two week break from school and went home and then had to go back to do finals...it was realistic and awful...I hate when you have stressful dreams and wake up stressed...not relaxing at all.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
one shotty shot shot ...and maybe a half?
"a day is like a whole life. You start out doing one thing, but end up doing something else, plan to run an errand, but never get there....And at the end of your life, your whole existence has the same haphazard quality, too. Your whole life has the same shape as a single day." - Malcolm (from Jurassic Park)
darn fractals! that means my life is destined for absolute retardedness....haYLEy
anyway. I wanted to note the emergence theory on the origin of life....it makes so much sense...'tis very cool. when I watched the origin of life on history channel they explained (probably very basically) the theory of emergence as the answer to the origin of life. they said that emergence is just the natural tendancy for something more complicated to emerge...something you wouldn't expect...lots of simple things making something more complex...a flock of birds that move as one being, paterns in the sand made by waves, school of fish, ants working together in a colony...neurons in the brain! They described consciousness as being just another thing that falls into the theory of emergence neurons gathering together and making such a complex network that conscious beings are just the natural result...the next thing...I wonder whats next next!? Just think though...its so weird...all animate and inanimate things are the same...made of the same stuff...I'm just a very complicated rock or something...okay I'll admit thats silly...but still...so fucking fascinating...I love this shit. Ha! and no matter how hard I try to learn and understand more about life...I's still will know nothing really...heh
OMG this scientist is going to name a trap door spider after Stephen Colbert....there are 27 different species of just trap door spiders...I holla out to my homies who've seen eight legged freaks...those trap door spiders made trapdoors in asphalt! "Well then I want a spider with the best mating clasper" - Stephen Colbert ... well that'll only make any sense (but still barely) if someone just watched Colbert which I'm watching now.
Awh man will smith is now on colbert report... man oh man...I cant believe I didn't know he rapped until last year. Awh man!! will smith and colbert are being silly with their ears!
Damn I have to pee...
darn fractals! that means my life is destined for absolute retardedness....haYLEy
anyway. I wanted to note the emergence theory on the origin of life....it makes so much sense...'tis very cool. when I watched the origin of life on history channel they explained (probably very basically) the theory of emergence as the answer to the origin of life. they said that emergence is just the natural tendancy for something more complicated to emerge...something you wouldn't expect...lots of simple things making something more complex...a flock of birds that move as one being, paterns in the sand made by waves, school of fish, ants working together in a colony...neurons in the brain! They described consciousness as being just another thing that falls into the theory of emergence neurons gathering together and making such a complex network that conscious beings are just the natural result...the next thing...I wonder whats next next!? Just think though...its so weird...all animate and inanimate things are the same...made of the same stuff...I'm just a very complicated rock or something...okay I'll admit thats silly...but still...so fucking fascinating...I love this shit. Ha! and no matter how hard I try to learn and understand more about life...I's still will know nothing really...heh
OMG this scientist is going to name a trap door spider after Stephen Colbert....there are 27 different species of just trap door spiders...I holla out to my homies who've seen eight legged freaks...those trap door spiders made trapdoors in asphalt! "Well then I want a spider with the best mating clasper" - Stephen Colbert ... well that'll only make any sense (but still barely) if someone just watched Colbert which I'm watching now.
Awh man will smith is now on colbert report... man oh man...I cant believe I didn't know he rapped until last year. Awh man!! will smith and colbert are being silly with their ears!
Damn I have to pee...
Monday, June 23, 2008
This is...quite possibly the most disgusting thing...EVER.
Fetal sand tiger shark with slaughtered siblings inside mother's womb.
Yeah I saw this on most extreme baby survivors on animal planet...although I think this footage is from a different show on discovery channel...but still...so gross. Fascinating...but still revolting.
In other news I got me a jobby job for the next couple of days. I checked craigslist and there was an ad for people to deliver phonebooks...so mike and I will be doing that tomorrow...I'll have to get up at 9am to be there by 10 *gasp*
I'm also considering working at the carnival...it would be really shitty...but it would only be July 1st - 6th...so really it'd just be a week of hell...maybe I'll just email and see what the hours and pay is like (probably minimum). I don't have a food handlers permit so hopefully I could just be a ride person or some kinda clerk. Ticket clerk would be best.
Well one more thing...I really like this comic...thanks fo' introducing me kate. I emphasize with this guys fear of raptors. (probably need to click on it and make it bigger)

Yeah I saw this on most extreme baby survivors on animal planet...although I think this footage is from a different show on discovery channel...but still...so gross. Fascinating...but still revolting.
In other news I got me a jobby job for the next couple of days. I checked craigslist and there was an ad for people to deliver phonebooks...so mike and I will be doing that tomorrow...I'll have to get up at 9am to be there by 10 *gasp*
I'm also considering working at the carnival...it would be really shitty...but it would only be July 1st - 6th...so really it'd just be a week of hell...maybe I'll just email and see what the hours and pay is like (probably minimum). I don't have a food handlers permit so hopefully I could just be a ride person or some kinda clerk. Ticket clerk would be best.
Well one more thing...I really like this comic...thanks fo' introducing me kate. I emphasize with this guys fear of raptors. (probably need to click on it and make it bigger)

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Day 2.5 off Meds...Bleuaghhhh

Just for you Kate...
(Above) This is my sister's cat Cami...Cami thinks she's a person sometimes and lounges like so on the couch to watch tv...(Below) This is my sister's cat being petted...note the inquisitive buttox (Circled)...why does this happen?...what causes this phenomena in felines? Why must their ass perk up when the back is being stroked? This is just one of life's mysteries that we may never know the answer to.
In other news Hayley decided to stop taking her sertraline...she was barely on a therapeutic dose anyway...but needs to be off of them or change to a different medication. So she decided to try no meds first...and went cold turkey...and is kinda experiencing random waves of dizziness, vertigo and extreme tiredness as the side effects for stopping. Yay!
Kelsey introduced me to the sci-fi channel today...so tomorrow I will probably watch at least part of Dinocroc. Perhaps this summer I'll work on the script for my movie idea... Raptors in a Library! And Kate and I should most definitely work our live action Fern Gully script. But seriously think about it. Raptors in a library...that'd be such a good movie. I got the idea when we were working on our papers...all those cluastrophobic isles are perfect for raptor chase scenes. And the stair wells and all the other nooks and crannies in a library...it'd be great. Of course it needs to start with college students thinking it'd be cool to hide so that they get locked in the library and can party...and then there needs to be a cRaZY professor who some how gets raptors...now I don't want to copy jurassic park's version of bio engineering....hmm maybe its a prof who makes a time machine...goes back and steals a nest of raptor eggs...and hes been raising them in the library basement...yes yes....see this is excellent I'm already making progress.
I'll have some of the kids survive the night...but then...the library reopens! and all hell breaks loose...as many people are consumed...and the raptors will be smart little bitches...they'll set traps and shit.
Ok I'll stop with that. Although I do want to post my newest poem (which relates)...I told Kelsey I'd post it.
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
if there were Raptors in the Library...
...I would try and Save You
"try" being the operative word as no amount of love and dedication could conquer reality...so the poem should end with "but I'm sorry if we both get eaten."
Ok. Beddy Bed time for Hayley.
Also, I forgot...quote from Jurassic Park (the book)
"Sometimes he stands by the lagoon and stares at those animals, and wiggles those little forearms of his in frustration."
(Above) This is my sister's cat Cami...Cami thinks she's a person sometimes and lounges like so on the couch to watch tv...(Below) This is my sister's cat being petted...note the inquisitive buttox (Circled)...why does this happen?...what causes this phenomena in felines? Why must their ass perk up when the back is being stroked? This is just one of life's mysteries that we may never know the answer to.
In other news Hayley decided to stop taking her sertraline...she was barely on a therapeutic dose anyway...but needs to be off of them or change to a different medication. So she decided to try no meds first...and went cold turkey...and is kinda experiencing random waves of dizziness, vertigo and extreme tiredness as the side effects for stopping. Yay!
Kelsey introduced me to the sci-fi channel today...so tomorrow I will probably watch at least part of Dinocroc. Perhaps this summer I'll work on the script for my movie idea... Raptors in a Library! And Kate and I should most definitely work our live action Fern Gully script. But seriously think about it. Raptors in a library...that'd be such a good movie. I got the idea when we were working on our papers...all those cluastrophobic isles are perfect for raptor chase scenes. And the stair wells and all the other nooks and crannies in a library...it'd be great. Of course it needs to start with college students thinking it'd be cool to hide so that they get locked in the library and can party...and then there needs to be a cRaZY professor who some how gets raptors...now I don't want to copy jurassic park's version of bio engineering....hmm maybe its a prof who makes a time machine...goes back and steals a nest of raptor eggs...and hes been raising them in the library basement...yes yes....see this is excellent I'm already making progress.
I'll have some of the kids survive the night...but then...the library reopens! and all hell breaks loose...as many people are consumed...and the raptors will be smart little bitches...they'll set traps and shit.
Ok I'll stop with that. Although I do want to post my newest poem (which relates)...I told Kelsey I'd post it.
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
if there were Raptors in the Library...
...I would try and Save You
"try" being the operative word as no amount of love and dedication could conquer reality...so the poem should end with "but I'm sorry if we both get eaten."
Ok. Beddy Bed time for Hayley.
Also, I forgot...quote from Jurassic Park (the book)
"Sometimes he stands by the lagoon and stares at those animals, and wiggles those little forearms of his in frustration."
Friday, June 20, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Guess I Joined the Ranks
I decided if Kate had one I could have one. I need somewhere to organize all the random things I discover on the internets. For example...this video clip of a potentially 108 ft squid...And well...perhaps when something happens that I deem worth "blogging" about I will do so.
And I guess since I am bored and have nothing else to do I might as well keep typing. I'm watching monster quest on history channel. This one is about the swamp monster. I was going to maybe look for a job in Oak Harbor today...but instead I ate a brownie earthquake from dairy queen...
*I went back to note the switch to third person*
Hayley hasn't done much since she's been home. Hopefully she'll be able to report back soon that she's taken action towards getting a job. Until then... she leaves you with Jon.

This was the highlight of yesterday for me.
Oi Vey...bitter much?
Oh! I can post dreams if I have any really good ones. That's exciting and fun.
And I guess since I am bored and have nothing else to do I might as well keep typing. I'm watching monster quest on history channel. This one is about the swamp monster. I was going to maybe look for a job in Oak Harbor today...but instead I ate a brownie earthquake from dairy queen...
*I went back to note the switch to third person*
Hayley hasn't done much since she's been home. Hopefully she'll be able to report back soon that she's taken action towards getting a job. Until then... she leaves you with Jon.

This was the highlight of yesterday for me.
Oi Vey...bitter much?
Oh! I can post dreams if I have any really good ones. That's exciting and fun.
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