In other news I'm gonna have a booth at the "renowned" Coupeville Arts and Crafts Festival...I'll make an event on facebook in order to guilt/encourage my friends to come and visit and 'support' me...Right now I have 142 cards completed and 9 eight by ten matted prints...I'll probably do 30 eight by ten mattes and 300-400 I'm like a third done...and the arts and crafts festival is on the 8th and 9th of august. Anyway here is my work station...the whole couch late into the night when everyone is asleep and can't harm my "work"
Hamlet 2 really looks hilarious...I'm gonna go see that for sure. Oh I also want to put this picture up...I took it when I hiked ("hiked" = really nature walked) with kate at deception pass... I call it eagle, RV and bridge...I strive to have a whole series...of bridges accompied by eagles and RV's I feel like it represents things so well...the bridge is man's dominance over the world the RV is man trying to reconnect with nature and the eagle is there a whole hike away elluding his lame efforts...or some shit like that....its 3 I'm tired and being's the pic.
the eagle is far to the left and just a tiny black dot really and trust me there are at least 3 RV's on the might be able to see a bit better when you make the picture bigger...but its not really about being able to see whats in it clearily...just know they were there because I saw them.
Time for bed...I was really ready to sleep 2.5 hours ago.
Next project runway preview...quote from Tim Gun "its a terradactyl at a gay jurassic park." AaHAHahaHA....I can't wait.
I'll be going to Newport Beach on Friday to visit the yuppie family in yuppie centralia...yeah okay I won't keep going and rant about my dad and how I'd rather not go...but hey I'll have a job to do for my aunt so thats good! moneys.
on that note...beddy bed time for real real and not for play play now.
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