So I preface this by saying (on the off chance they see this) that I love both my roommates very much and do not judge them by their rantings....they have every right to their opinions and I think I understand just the rant tangents one can get caught up fact this is a rant against antiranting of sorts...I just don't agree with their sentiments. In fact I thought what they were saying was quite stupid.
In short one thing in particular especially bothered me.... Saying you think that one in every three people just dying randomly (by some virus or something) would be good for the world and you wouldn't care if it happened even if you or people in your family were one of the people to die is just stupid and you're lying. It's saying something for the affect of saying it. Denying your existence is stupid. Yes humanity has done a lot to fuck with the world...but it's in our nature and our came from nature! Yeah I don't think we should be defeatist, we should try to alter our nature otherwise we will just end up destroying ourselves but being ridiculously self righteous does no good either. Its pointless anger and its not really original either which bothers me when people think their thoughts are soooo original and 'no one understands' ...its creating a delusion of your own [moral] superiority...and it is just that, a delusion. The world doesn't give a shit if you die for it and I don't think one can honestly say they want what's "best for the world" at the cost of themselves because the world is just other's projecting human moral idealism onto the natural world that just doesn't exist. Things compete and kill other things. This is how its done. Yeah I do think because of how self aware we are as a species that we should be doing more to be the shepherds not the destroyers of this planet but thats the thing when it comes down to it we're not better than anything else and we compete to survive and do what's in our best interest. Part of humanity is to be selfish and love those dear to you and saying you'd sacrifice yourself and/or those you love for "the world" is stupid. The world doesn't give a shit what you give to it. You simply gain some socially constructed utility by the prospect of martyrdom. The phrase just irked me. It's something little I know but the overall sentiments they were expressing invoked similar emotional responses of annoyance from myself...I guess I'm just self righteously against self righteousness.
Alright. Enough of that...time for drug induced sleeps.
Also, 42% of the human genome is made up of endogenous viruses... remnants of the past viruses that just eventually incorporated themselves into our DNA. Funsies.
And red panda. Winking.

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