so fuck that shit...but there's nothing I can do about it. I am so fucking irritable right now...and have been the last few days...maybe its pms...or the withdrawal or just everything... I don't even fucking know...
okay so why I was in a good mood before....
I went to a barbecue at my step mom's parents house...and they are very friendly and my step mom's uncle was there too...and people liked my cards that I'm finally working on (taking my pictures and hand making post cards) and I wanted to show my grandma to prove I haven't completely been being a lazy bum and shit how am I gonna make three thousand dollars before summer is that was cool...the salmon was soooooo fucking good....
Then the lightening and thunder storm started...and I wanted to leave anyway so I used wanting to take pictures as an I left and then I took Madrona home...and there was lightening bolts like right above and next to me like every few was so fucking intense I was right in the storm...and I knew that the chances of my car getting hit and then the chances of me getting electrocuted when my car got hit (I think cars are good at absorbing that...I think) was minimal (because all the trees and telephone poles would most definately get hit first) I got an insane exhilarated feeling from the lightening...and I drove madrona at 60mph...which is quite literally the stupidest thing I have ever done...I just couldn't help myself though...thats a lie I probably could have...its not like anything dramatic like I had a death wish or anything...I just did it. And am glad I didn't crash my car into a tree or anything...60 really isnt that fast though...the road is windey but I know it pretty well...whatever enough about that.
Then I wanted to find kate-ums. The second time I called she answered and she was down at fort ebey watching the lightenin' from there...and so I joined her...and I learned something new 'bout cameras! Okay so I had my tripod and I so I pointed my camera in the direction of the lightening set the aperture setting high (which makes the opening in the lens smaller) so that I could have an exposure time of 4 seconds...yeah so I thought I would wave my hand in front of the camera just to see what happened since the lightening was very spaced out by this time...and GUESS WHAT! my hand didn't show up at then I realized that was how photographers do that little trick to take picture of a busy park and not have any of the people show that was sweet and I was excited...AND THEN I tried holding my hand in front of the camera for like 2 out of the 4-5 seconds and GUESS WHAT HAPPENED...this did....GHOST HAND.

granted I was very amused...and you know you think I would have figured that this ruined my capture lightening technique of long exposure times...because FINALLY I snapped a 6 second exposure and lightening struck...and you guessed it...GHOST LIGHTENING...its invisible.

ayup. thats all for now.
1 comment:
I love cats.
FABulous lightening pic.
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