Saturday, August 2, 2008


Sharkwater...its a pretty good documentary...its about how sharks are becoming endangered from illegal shark fin fishing...and how absolutely AWFUL and wasteful and corrupted the shark finning industry is.

The people in it are pretty bad ass...the main camera guy (who is pretty attractive) joins up with a renegade conservation boat....that sinks or rams illegal fishing boats...and they got in trouble with costa rica for shooting water guns at an illegal shark finning boat...and because the government is payed off by the shark fin mafia (yea that sounds ridiculous). it didn't matter that the other boat was illegal...but instead of going to court they filmed the private docks of the mafia and then booked it for international waters...

great i was already depressed tonight and this is just awful...they just cut the fins off and throw the shark body back alive still...and they just writhe and slowly die....

"The world's shark population is estimated to have declined by 90%"

people are just stupid. environmentalism isn't just to protect the environment its to protect us too...if you already are a self absorbed bastard at least look at it that way...I already knew this fact but they mentioned that without sharks to control fish populations that feed on plankton...plankton will decline which produces 70% of our oxygen.

Oh least if we fuck up the planet we'll destroy will always exist on'll be just different...and if we wipe out everything as we know it at least it will be better for future and surviving life forms.

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